Since a single operation is used for this pattern, a reference to the address or the explicit address itself must be provided as a parameter on the request. 由于对这个模式使用单操作,对地址或显式地址自身的引用必须作为请求的参数提供。
A good example here is a telephone number, which cannot be associated with an explicit address, only identified as another phone number for the record. 电话号码是一个很好的例子,它不一定和某个地址关联,而仅仅作为记录中的另一个电话号码。
In the case of explicit binding, checks are performed on the IP address being bound, and the socket options are set accordingly. 对于显式绑定,在绑定的IP地址上执行检查,并相应设置套接字选项。
There you'll find explicit regular expressions that match each address type supported. 在此将会找到与支持的每个地址类型相匹配的明确的正则表达式。